Event Topic:
Telecommunications Entrepreneurship
a panel of entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, including Terry Rock of CenterPoint Ventures and others
Forum Comments(s):
Please Note: The SWVF is moving to THURSDAYS. The March forum is scheduled for March 22nd. Start time and location remain unchanged.
7:00 am to 9:00 am
Dallas Country Club
4100 Beverly Dr. (Mockingbird & Preston)
Dallas, Texas 75275
Telecommunications Entrepreneurship
a panel of entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, including Terry Rock of CenterPoint Ventures and others
Forum Comments(s):
Please Note: The SWVF is moving to THURSDAYS. The March forum is scheduled for March 22nd. Start time and location remain unchanged.
7:00 am to 9:00 am
Dallas Country Club
4100 Beverly Dr. (Mockingbird & Preston)
Dallas, Texas 75275