Event Topic:
Venture Capital Today: Two Success Stories
Tim Kinnear, CFO of Innerwireless, Charlie Humphreyson, General Partner of HO2 Partners, Ken Reese, CEO of CashWorks, and Bill Ashbaugh of Capital Southwest
Forum Comments(s):
Join us and learn the details of two venture capital success stories. Innerwireless, backed by HO2 Partners, and CashWorks, backed by Capital Southwest, successfully secured venture capital and have continued to grow in an uncertain environment.
Come hear from the entrepreneurs how they built an investable concept, and from the venture capitalists who backed them what made it an attractive investment.
7:00 am to 9:00 am
Park Cities Hilton
Dallas, Texas
Venture Capital Today: Two Success Stories
Tim Kinnear, CFO of Innerwireless, Charlie Humphreyson, General Partner of HO2 Partners, Ken Reese, CEO of CashWorks, and Bill Ashbaugh of Capital Southwest
Forum Comments(s):
Join us and learn the details of two venture capital success stories. Innerwireless, backed by HO2 Partners, and CashWorks, backed by Capital Southwest, successfully secured venture capital and have continued to grow in an uncertain environment.
Come hear from the entrepreneurs how they built an investable concept, and from the venture capitalists who backed them what made it an attractive investment.
7:00 am to 9:00 am
Park Cities Hilton
Dallas, Texas